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A loan is a financial agreement where an individual or business borrows money from a lender and repays it over a set period of time, usually with interest.

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Loan Calculator

**Note: For exceeding 120 no. of payments, a group of 12 payments will be combined into a single payment number for better chart visibility.

Period Payment Interest Balance
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Aditya Choudhary Top Customer

I had to extend my foreign trip because all the flights were cancelled due to strike in the country. Thankfully, my travel insurance policy reimbursed me for my emergency hotel booking.

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Ram Kumar Thhakur Customer

a loan is a financial agrement where an individual or business borrows money from a lender and repays it over a set period of time, usally with interest.

A personal is a unsecured loan option that can avail for various purpose without pledging any collateral. whether you want to finance a medical emergency, take a much needed family vacation, there is a marriage at home or give your home a long-awaited makeover, it allows you to tackle your urgent financial needs with utmost ease. Looking for an instant way to fund your larger expenses? Get an instant personal loan online!

Get affordable and unsecured personal finance of up to Rs. 35 lakhs at attractive personal loan interest rates. The best part? We have made the loan process extremely convenient for you with our digital application process and easy-to-meet eligibility criteria.

A business loan is a financial product that provides funds to a business for various purposes, such as expansion, working capital, equipment purchase, or inventory management. It is also known as a commercial loan. Every business, irrespective of its size and nature, requires funding from time to time. A business loan is an unsecured credit that can help you meet your growing business’ urgent financial requirements. You can apply for a business loan to usher in the funds required to expand your existing business, boost its production, take your business online, procure inventory, buy equipment, and much more.

A loan against property or Home Equity is a secured loan that helps you avail of credit using your existing property as collateral. A LAP loan has zero restrictions, which means you can use it to finance any big-ticket expense. With a loan on property, you can benefit from the value of the property while you continue to occupy it.

When you avail of a loan against property, you submit your property documents with us as collateral. This is also called a mortgage loan against property.

A home loan is a secured loan where the borrower offers their home as collateral. The borrower receives a lump sum of money from the bank, which they repay in monthly installments (EMIs) over a set period of time. it is a secured loan that is obtained to purchase a property by offering it as collateral. Home loans offer high-value funding at economical interest rates and for long tenures. They are repaid through EMIs.

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