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What is Group Health Insurance?

group health insurance,health insurance,corporate health insurance,pre existing disease,post hospitalization expenses,why is group halth insurance required,benefit of group health insurance,employee retention,key features of group health insurance,ancillary expenses,no medical screnning,cost effective protection,cashless treatment,added health benefit,pre and post hospitalization coverage,optional coverage option,maternity coverage,waiver of maternity coverage period,OPD Coverage,corporate buffer,eligblity

Group Health Insurance also called Corporate Health Insurance extend coverage to employee of an organization .the corporate health insurance policy cover pre- hospitalization, post hospitalization expenses, pre existing disease etc.

Group Health Insurance policies are tailored to cover a specific group of individuals, often presented as an employee perk. employee typically offer this benefit to their employee who may also choose to enroll their family member under the same policy such as spouse, parents, children or parents in law.

one of the key benefit of group health insurance is the instant coverage of pre- existing meidcal coverage , elimination waiting periods. these plan cover a broad spectrum of medical needs, including treatment of commom illness , maternity benefit and day care beneift. moreever it also include wellness benefit among other valuable benfit.

Why is Group Health Insurance Required?

The Problem

Building a Great team is a challenging task but retaining them poses an even great difficulty. when employer decide to leave question often arise about what could have been done differently. most employee seek work life balance, competitive compensation and health benefit and they tend to depart when they perceive a lack of appreciation.

The Solution

to establish an workplace the focus should be on implementing human centric policies. creating a corporate culture centered on care , innovation , inclusivly can profund sense of belonging among employee.

this vision can relaize by taking essential steps starting with the adoption of group health insurance for employees. such a move not only offer protection against unexpected situation but also contribute to increase employee satisfaction and higher retention fees.

Benefit of Group Heath insurance?

  • Employee Retention – Demonstrating care of employees through health insurance enhance their view of your organization reducing turnover.
  • Tax Benfit- Contribution to group Health Insurancne may quality for tax deduction, providing finanial benefit.
  • Cost efficiency – Group employee provide cost saving as the premium are spread across a larger pool of employees.


Key Features of Group Heath Insurance?

  • Ancillary Expenses – Corporate health insurance for employee including cost like ambulance expenses.
  • No medical screening – Corporate health insurance plan allow enrollment without requiring medical screening.
  • Cost effective Protection – employer employee insurance offer more economical alternative compared to personal health insurance plan.
  • Cashless treatment – Policyholder can avail of medical care of network hospitals without making upfront payment reducing financial strain.
  • Added Health Benefit – employers can provide extra benefit like regular checkup mental wellness suport and OPD consultation to promote proactive employee well being.
  • pre and post hospitalization coverage – Group mediclaim insurance for employee include medical expenses before and after hospitalization offering extensive support. this encompass relevant pre hspitalization expenses incurred within 30 days before hospitalization and relavant post hospitalization expenses incurred within 60 days after leaving the hospital.

Optional Coverage Extension

  • Maternity Coverage – Pregancy coverage with a capping on expenses at the time of child birth.
  • Waiver of Maternity waiting period – the option to waive the standard 9 month waiting a period of maternity coverage
  • Coverage for newborn within maternity limit – inclusion of newborn babies under the maternity coverage.
  • OPD Coverage – Comprehensive coverage for outpateint medical expenses.
  • Corporate Buffer – additional coverage is provided by the corporate policy if the existing sum insured is exhausted.  however to avil of this feature the employee must pay an extra premium. 



A company within of 7 employee is eligible to purchase a group  health insurance policy. however some group health insurance plan can be acquired even if the company has fewer than 7 employees. to qualify for such plan the company must extend insurance coverage to the dependents of its employee ensuring the total life count reaches 7.


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