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What is Insurance?
Definition of InsuranceThere is no single definition of Insurance. Insurance can be defined from the viewpoint of several
Talk to an Advisor Right away! Not Sure Which Insurance To Buy? we help to choose best insurance
Secure Your Dream Home
To "secure your dream home," prioritize factors like location, a solid budget, thorough home inspections, installing a robust security
Legal Entity Identifier
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit alphanumeric code used to identify parties to financial transactions worldwide.
Grow Your Dream Business
"Growing your dream business" means actively taking steps to expand and develop your business venture that aligns with your
Build Your Dream Life
Build your Dream lifeStep 1 | Define your vision and goals. First things first—what does your dream life even
Protect Your Dog
Pet insurance is a special type of insurance for various animals which safeguard their overall health and wellbeing.
Protection From Cancer
Cancer insurance is a special type of policy designed to offer financial assitance to those dignose with the
Secure Your Houses
Home insurance also known as property insurance or homeowner insurance cover the structure as well as the content
Protect Businesses
Commercial General Liability Insurance policy protect business against liability claim for bodily injury and property damage arising from
Secure Your Professionals
Professional Indemnity Insurance is crafted to sheild professionals and businesses against financial losses arising from allegation of negliance,
Secure Your Worker
The workmen Compensation policy cover the legal liabilities of the employer by providing financial compensation to their employees
What is Marine Insurance?
Marine Insurance cover loss or damage during the transfer of property from origin to destination, including ships, goods,
What is SIP?
The full form of SIP is Systematic Investment Plan. an SIP plan is a popular investment strategy
What is ULIP?
ULIP combine insurance and investment. A portion of premium provide life coverage , while the rest is invested
Increase Your Returns
The Term ULIP stands for Unit Linked Insurance Plan, which type of insurance plan offering. The scheme enables
What is Pension Plan?
A pension plan is a type of Investment plan that help individual invest for their future retirement needs.
Protect Your Retirement
A pension plan is a financial product where you build a fund through regular payment or lump sum.
What is Children Education Plan?
https://jbw.f8c.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/57753-486147545_small.mp4 Child education plan are espicially designed to help parents financially secure their child future in a disciplined way.
Protect Your Children Education
Child education plan are financial product that combine the benefit of saving and insurance. these plan are designed
what is Investment Planning?
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/65642-515351552_small.mp4Investment plan are financial product that help you create wealth for the future. these plan allow you to
Invest Your Family Future
https://jbw.f8c.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/12922-242538643_small.mp4Investment Planning is a key aspect of financial planning , aimed at growing you saying through disciplined investment.
What is Health Insurance?
Health insurance is a type of insurance that cover medical expenses of the insured due to an illness
What is Labor Insurance?
Labor insurance serves as a vital safety net for workers, offering financial compensation in the face of various
what is Fire Insurance?
Fire Insurance safeguard property against losses or damage resulting from fire incident. it serves a protection sheild for
What is Group Insurance?
Group Insurance is a type of insurance plan that provide coverage to a group a people under the
What is Group Health Insurance?
Group Health Insurance also called Corporate Health Insurance extend coverage to employee of an organization .the corporate health
Protect Your Health
Protection of health is very important, to increase the longevity of life health have to be secure. that
What is Business Insurance?
Business Insurance is a type of coverage that aids a company in safeguarding its financial resources, intellectual property
Secure Business
Business insurance protect businesses from any financial loss or damage that occur during the everyday operation of a
Protect your Motor Future
Commercial Vehicle Insurance is a tailored insurance plan that provides coverage for the damage caused by or to
What is Travel Insurance?
A travel insurance policy offers financial compensation for many emergencies you may face during your trip. A travel
Secure Your Tour
Travel insurance protect your entire journey from major financial losses. it helps with expense because of sudden medical
What is Third Party Insurance?
https://jbw.f8c.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/9781-221163251_small.mp4Third party car insurance also known as liability only policy is a mandatory car insurance policy as per
Protect Other Car Future
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/2165-155327596_small.mp4https://jbw.f8c.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/9781-221163251_small.mp4Third party insurance is mandatory motor insurance policy that cover third party related financial and legal libilities caused
What is Bike Insurance?
Bike Insurance provides financial protection to the insured bikes during accident, theft and other incident.According to the motor
Protect Your Bike Future
Bike insurance protect the insured bike from loss caused by accident, theft , natural manmade disasters. it also
What is Car Insurance?
A car insurance is a contract between a car owner and a insurance provider. in exchange for a
Protect Your Car Future
Car Insurance is also known as Vehicle Insurance provide financial coverage to the insured car against road accident,
Non Resident External
A NRE account is a banking option for India enabling them to deposit foreign currency earned in their
Non Resident Ordinary
NRO Bank account allow NRI to deposit and oversee income earned in India. NRI can open this account
What is Term Insurance For NRI?
Term Insurance for NRI is defined as term insurance plan designed for NRI, OCI cardholder ,PIO, and their
What is Term Insurance?
Term Insurance is a type of Life Insurance plan that provides financial coverage to the policyholder family for
Protect Your Family Future
Family’s financial security is a continuous effort. You can make sure that your family can survive bad health,
Right Insurance Coverage
At Gauranga Capital we understand that finding the right insurance coverage can be overwhelming. That why er're here
Plan For A Secure Retirement?
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/59134-491926072_small.mp4Securing a financially comfortable future after years of dedication is a primary concern for many. While the golden
Prepare For The Unexpected?
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/5995-187641547_small.mp4Insurance provides you financial support if something unexpected happens to you and your family – such as an
Protect What Matter Most To You?
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/76887-560684390_small.mp4Family Protection Insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides financial stability for family members in
Risk Management
https://gauranga.capital/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/102089-659185559_small.mp4Risk ManagementRisk management is a process that identifies loss exposure faced by an organisation and select the most